
audience Reviews

, 98% Audience Score
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This film was much better than I expected it to be. It was so much more than the average sports drama. And what a feel-good ending.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    There really is no need to review this movie that much! Just see it, (just do it!) Nice storyline and interesting Great cast with Chris Tucker being amazing! Well directed by Affleck! This movie has been cued up until the right time to watch and am glad that time was tonight finally! 8.5 out of 10!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As a former Nike employee, I loved it. This was the first movie from the new production company “Artistic Equity” formed by Ben Affleck (CEO) and Matt Damon (CCO). They knocked it out of the park by showing how this deal shaped not only the company but the industry. Viola Davis stole the show and I love how the attention to detail when it came to her role in all of this. Over all well done.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    The movie was okay the only part i liked was when Matt Damon officially meet up with Jordan but that’s about it. But a touching good story overall on this movie.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very gooooooood..... watch ittt
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "If we gonna make it, we got to take risks" La historia detras del exitosa marca "Nike" Burócrata. Genérica. Inspiradora. Una vez mas dúo inseparable de Mat Damon y Ben Affleck, junto con Ben en la dirección. No vemos la cara de Michael Jordan, manteniendo la mítica imagen del legendario basquetbolista intocable, dejando que la madre hable por él. La convicción y persistencia detrás del éxito, que solo le pertenece a aquellos que están dispuestos a entregarlo todo por lo que creen. Nos muestra la historia detras del gran exito de una de las empresas mas grandes del mundo, y su humilde extraordinario éxito. Me aburren un poco las películas donde hay un hombre gordo de 40 años que busca alcanzar el exito y superarse, pero esta peli es algo mas interesante. ¿Crees en lo que haces? Un zapato solo es un zapato, hasta que alguien se los pone Técnica: 5.5 Expresión: 6.8 Efecto: 7.0 Experiencia: 5.8 Calificación: 6.3/10
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Por más que queramos ser renuentes al marker placement que esta película expresa hacia Nike, el corazón que transmite “Air” hace que caigamos directo en su trampa. Siento que una de las convenciones narrativas que nunca nos va a dejar de emocionar son aquellas en la que una persona o un grupo de personas ante cualquier probabilidad logran lo imposible. Siendo en este caso posicionar a una de las marcas más reconocibles actualmente al ojo público masivo de la mano de un deportista que se convertiría para muchos cómo el mejor “deportista de la historia”. Un cast maravilloso encabezado por un Matt Damon encantador, una fotografía atrevida que rememora lo vertiginoso de los comerciales de finales de los 80’s e inicios de los 90’s, envuelto en un entorno en el que no importa a dónde volteemos conmemora a dicha época. Esta película está lejos de ser grandiosa o que tenga pretensiones más altas que las que expone, pero el sentimentalismo de triunfo que transmite hace que sea casi imposible no encariñarte con la historia. Una narrativa simple, súper dinámica que siempre va al grano y que logra ser efectiva de una manera increíble.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Man, I want to cop a pair Jordans now!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The movie is about how Air Jorden came in being, the dramatized story is mostly based on fact. Boasting A list actor giving us warm and passionate performances, the movie's worth a watch.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    This is a solid movie that was well directed and well acted. It told a compelling story about how fledgling Nike nabbed their history making endorsement deal with then NBA rookie Michael Jordan, changing professional sports forever in the process. The film did a great job capturing the era. Everything from pop culture to music to the sports of that time period was well represented on screen. For a child of the 80s and 90s this film was nostalgic in many ways. The film had some minor faults. The tension of the story never really felt real, mainly because we knew how it ended anyway. There was no major character development for anyone. The real development was in, and I guess this was the real point of the movie, the industry itself. Bottom line: good cast, good story, good directing, good movie.