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The year is 1613, and Shakespeare is acknowledged as the greatest writer of the age. But disaster strikes when his renowned Globe Theatre burns to the ground. Devastated, Shakespeare returns to Stratford, where he must face a troubled past and a neglected family. Haunted by the death of his only son, Hamnet, he struggles to mend the broken relationship with his wife and daughters. In so doing, he is ruthlessly forced to examine his own failings as a husband and father.
Directed By:
Kenneth Branagh
Running Time:
1 hr 41 min
History & Drama
Gross Box Office:
Release Date:
May 10, 2019


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  • All Is True: Movie Clip - Pretty Thoughts
  • All Is True: Movie Clip - I'm Suspect
  • All Is True: Movie Clip - Reputation
  • All Is True: Movie Clip - Advice
  • All Is True: Movie Clip - Imaginary Worlds
  • All Is True: Trailer 1