critic Reviews
, 74% Fresh Tomatometer Score- Cobweb has no shortage of sticky strands, even as Kim Jee-woon's ambitious effort threatens to become an overly tangled blend of satire and meta-fiction.
- , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreBrian
It’s as if Kim is testing himself to see if he could make a self-indulgent, unsubstantial lark of a comedy. He can. Sorta.
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreBrandon YuNew York Times
“Cobweb” falls victim, ironically, to its own punchline — becoming a movie that is too obsessed with itself.
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreJessica KiangVariety
A film containing another film; a filmmaker referring to the trials of a filmmaker: It's a movie of many layers, all of them garish and goofy, none of them great.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreWilliam SchwartzHanCinema
Focuses mainly on the absurd dramas of film production, with Director Kim's legitimacy as an artist rather paradoxically confirmed by his genuine obliviousness to everything that's going on with his cast and crew.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreDaniel AllenLoud and Clear Reviews
If Cobweb is supposed to be a satire on filmmaking, that element takes a back seat as the film enters absurdist territory near the end... Nevertheless, it is a frenetic and, at times, humorous film that works best as an enjoyable farce.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreJoe MuldoonBattle Royale With Cheese
Underneath the laughs and lunacy, there's a very important discourse about censorship and authoritarianism; for cinema to live, it must be free. Free from external interference, from expressive restraint, and free to be as open and original as it wishes.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScorePerry NortonFilm Threat
This is a clever and intricately plotted film, ably managing to shuffle together comedy and drama and providing a particularly great showcase for the acting talent within.
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreTanner GordonSpectrum Culture
Chaotic and willfully un-serious, Cobweb may be an outlier in Jee-woon’s filmography, but it retains the same rugged inventiveness that’s made his work so memorable in the past.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreM.N. MillerInSession Film
[Cobweb's] tale of obsession is a darkly funny and skillfully crafted work of meta-cinema.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreOscar GoffBoston Hassle
Cobweb is good enough that I wish it was just a couple of degrees better, but its wild energy is so infectious that I can’t help but love it.
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