If the purpose of this movie is to raise awareness but not do anything, mission accomplished.
Read full articleRamchandani’s baffling screenplay contains the most obvious, stock archetypes of people recurrent in Hollywood’s uninteresting depictions of Latino communities.
Read full articleThe film resembles less a realistic peek into the modern slavery of immigrants in America as it does grist for the torture porn mill.
Read full articleTackling horrific subject matter, this movie manages to avoid being too cumbersome or preachy, focusing instead on its movements and rhythms and its likable, sympathetic lead character.
Read full article[The] whole thing reflects, if not literally then at least metaphorically, an act of opportunism and exploitation on par with what Ramchandani seems to want to critique, but fails to do convincingly.
Read full articleSlow...lumbering... but Ramchandani delivers a dazzling third act chase, on foot, through L.A.’s sweatshop district, a nervy, hand-held sprint that finally gets this static story up on its feet.
Read full articleA film that is not easy to watch, exaggerated and dark settings, combined with heavy cinematography; However, there is no doubt that the story is worth it. [Full Review in Spanish]
Read full articleAs worthwhile as its message might be, this bilingual drama about the horrors of the immigrant experience doesn’t bring much new to the conversation.
Read full articleImpassioned purpose and well-designed suspense result in a compelling, albeit flawed, call to action.
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