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Single mother Julie (César award-winning actress Laure Calamy) works a grueling job as a head chambermaid in a five-star Parisian hotel. Julie's daily balance of commuting from her remote suburb into Paris, tenuous childcare and search for a new job to get her out of debt, becomes unmanageable during a paralyzing transport strike in Paris. Literally running from dawn to sunset to get to her job and back home in time to fetch her children, Julie is constantly on the verge of a breakdown. When she finally gets a job interview for a position more suited to her skill set, Julie has to walk a very tightrope between keeping her current job, and sneaking out while calling on co-workers to cover for her as more obstacles pile up in front of her.
Directed By:
Eric Gravel
Running Time:
1 hr 27 min
Mystery & Thriller & Drama
Gross Box Office:
Release Date:
February 3, 2023


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  • Full Time: Trailer 1