
critic Reviews

, 91% Certified Fresh Tomatometer Score
  • Hugh Grant has infectious fun playing against type in Heretic, a religious horror that preaches the gospel of cerebral chills over cheap shocks.
  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Jake WilsonThe Age (Australia)
    This is a well-acted movie all round, but primarily a vehicle for Grant -- who has played his share of comic villains, but has rarely been asked to be seriously scary.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Mark KermodeKermode and Mayo's Take (YouTube)
    It's a reminder, particularly in the horror genre, that a good idea and a single location can be a really adventurous roller coaster ride.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Stephen RomeiThe Australian
    [Grant] is commanding in Heretic, which starts out as a psychological thriller and may or may not develop into a full-tilt horror movie.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Sergio Burstein Los Angeles Times
    A complex debate on the legitimacy of religion that arrives framed in absolutely captivating staging. [Full review in Spanish]
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Oliver JonesObserver
    As a housebound sadist menacing a pair of Mormon missionaries in the new horror film Heretic, Grant gives the least engaged and most profoundly joyless performance of his five-decade career.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    G. Allen JohnsonSan Francisco Chronicle
    Here [Scott Beck and Bryan Woods] have made a mini-masterpiece, with lean filmmaking and lots of surprises.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Denise PieniazekEscribiendoCine
    The peculiar host strikes the right balance between being friendly and diabolic... [Full review in Spanish]
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    Grant WatsonFiction Machine
    By the end it is all rather preposterous and silly, more Saw than Psycho, but Hugh Grant’s winning antagonist and Thatcher and East’s likeable leads manage to hold the work together.
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  • , Rotten Tomatometer Score
    Noah BerlatskyEverything is Horrible (Substack)
    The power of Grant's performance can only take a film so far, and soon enough we are back with the genre tropes of endless hectoring and improbable manipulation—first by the bad guy, but even more egregiously by the ham-fisted directing duo.
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  • , Fresh Tomatometer Score
    In Heretic, Grant delivers us one of the most unforgettable – as well as erudite and pithy – villains of the decade so far.
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