Love Again
audience Reviews
, 91% Audience Score- Rating: 5 out of 5 starsJust the greatest singer to me Celion dion thank you xx also the fantastic cast, crew the film was amazing made me laugh, cry just brilliant thank you xx
- Rating: 4 out of 5 starsWere the naysayers expecting some Dr. Zhivago style epic or something? Mate, it's a feelgood, fluffy, sweet, old-fashioned romance. Admit you enjoyed it and move on.
- Rating: 3 out of 5 starsSweet & predictable.
- Rating: 5 out of 5 starsLike Celine Dion but not a fan . really enjoyed this movie .I Will definitely recommend and Celine looks beautiful.feel good movie !
- Rating: 1 out of 5 starshonestly a really poor Love story, Jonas is not suited to this American romance story. So many other younger beautiful actresses could have been used for this role but no... it was all about what £ the celebrity will bring to the market... This will NOT be a classic, a terrible watch.
- Rating: 1.5 out of 5 starsOUtlander fanatic here...but this WAS SO BAD...a few places it was sweet but...the early set up where you just know- they will end up together came right at beginning. Sam H. who I adore played the character very shallow...never settled inot the role. And Priyanka....I've never seen her previously in anything, she was ok. BUT TOGETHER...they had like MINUS 0 chemistry. That was the huge problem no chemistry at ALL. The writing was poor, and I agree the Celine D. character-well she's not an actress so her delivery was PAINFUL... and why oh why would the man lie and not tell her...hey I mentioned you to Celine and she "loves your work...." like get the gratitude INSTEAD IT'S ANOTHER LIE HE'S TELLING. JUST AWFUL.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 starsSo bad. Unbelievable story, poorly structured, really awful and contrived script, lazy direction…bad main leads…solid supporting female cast. Céline Dion was better than most in this…it’s a bad vehicle for her music though, just such a bad film.
- Rating: 3 out of 5 starsThe idea is interesting and, although it vaguely resembles "P.S.: I Love You", it has its touches of originality. I loved the presence of Queen Celine Dion, but the jokes about the songs and the "therapy" sessions with her seemed quite forced. They weren't necessary. I think it had the right touch of drama to keep the film light and I sympathized with the protagonists. I had fun and didn't have any grudges against anyone, so it's worth it!
- Rating: 3 out of 5 starsFinally got around to watching *Love Again* after a year on my watchlist. Honestly, the only reason I was interested was Celine Dion, and she did not disappoint! Her songs fit perfectly, and she acts surprisingly well—she’s more than just a cameo, which was such a fun surprise. The plot? Cheesy and cliché, but isn’t that what we’re here for in a romcom like this? It’s cozy, lighthearted, and gave me a few chuckles. That said, it’s definitely not groundbreaking. The pacing drags a bit in places, and with sharper writing and editing, it could’ve been so much better. Still, I was never bored, and it’s a decent pick when you’re in the mood for something romantic but not too demanding. Definitely a “background movie” vibe, but hey, sometimes that’s all you need. A solid 3-star watch for a cozy night in!
- Rating: 2.5 out of 5 starsThis film is your regular romcom which you had watched many times even without watching it. But the screenplay is very engaging which makes the film watchable and the performances are also good. Not expected much but it will not disappoint you either. A one time watch for romcom fans.