
An Adélie penguin named Steve joins millions of fellow males in the icy Antarctic spring on a quest to build a suitable nest, find a life partner and start a family. None of it comes easily for him, especially considering he's targeted by everything from killer whales to leopard seals, who unapologetically threaten his happily ever after.
Directed By:
Jeff Wilson, Alastair Fothergill
Running Time:
1 hr 16 min
Gross Box Office:
Release Date:
April 17, 2019


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Cast and Crew

Photos and Videos

  • Penguins: Tickets on Sale
  • Penguins: Celebrating 10 Years of DisneyNature
  • Penguins: Exclusive Featurette - All About Steve
  • Penguins: Trailer 2
  • Penguins: Trailer 1