A brutal, relentlessly grimy shocker with taut performances, slick gore effects, and a haunting finale.
Pitt, then struggling to prove himself as a serious performer (see Legends of the Fall), was given an injection of gritty credibility, delivering the unforgettable climactic line...
Read full articleAs horrific as the conclusion is, it’s also the final catalyst that shocks Somerset out of his own downturn toward defeatism and back toward a fight, however daunting, for humanity.
Read full articleWhen Seven, with its velvety world of bottomless evil, taps you on the shoulder, your instinct will be to dive under the theater seat.
Read full articleI wouldn't go so far as to call David Fincher's Seven the most terrifying film ever, but it's right up there on the top shelf with Psycho and The Silence of the Lambs.
Read full articleThe results of the killings are needlessly grotesque and don't really serve the smart screenplay by Andrew Kevin Walker and the artful direction of David Fincher. All of this talent is worth seeing if you can look past the gruesome details.
Read full articleSeven, a dark, grisly, horrifying and intelligent thriller, may be too disturbing for many people, I imagine, although if you can bear to watch it, you will see filmmaking of a high order.
Read full articleFrom its stylish opening credits to its utterly shocking denouement, it’s a master class in nerve-fraying nihilism.
Read full article... while there are elements that don’t align to today’s standards of social correctness, it is no less a remarkable work whose twists continue to marvel, even when you can identify the breadcrumbs that were missed on an initial viewing
Read full articleThere is so much to love about Se7en, it is easy to see why it appears on several 'top 100 of all time' lists.
Read full articleSe7en is a grisly murder thriller, with an intriguing discourse surrounding the symbolism of the murders and Freeman and Pitt as a strong lead duo.
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