The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday

audience Reviews

, 36% Audience Score
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A below average Christmas special, and a definition of a background movie
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    It felt like the whole thing was made by lazy people. The people act a lot different too. They cry like babies just because of a Santa balloon. Like what? And I thought the bad guys became good as well. And it feels like something is a bit off of how it looks, like they added high constrast or something and my brother realized that sometimes when the characters move they do a weird teleport. This is just things i realized which made me not like it. Haunted Heist I knew was gonna be better because they had more time. They could've just saved this for 2024 and not rush and get it finished in 2023.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The bad guys Halloween is worst while the Christmas version is AWESOME!!!!!!!!😄😄😄😄🤩🤩🤩
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It's a Holiday special. Nothing amazing. It does the job it's supposed to. Wished Diane Foxington was in it though.
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday is a short holiday special that takes place before the movie where the bad guys have to save christmas in order to be able to pull off a Christmas Heist, and this 25 minute special is flat and doesn't really bring anything new to the story revolving around these characters. This special fails to have the charm that the original movie has and fails to have any of the entertaining elements as well. The humor was not funny and the story did not help to raise my spirits. The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday is well, a very bad special. D+
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Normal corto tirando a malo, realmente esperaba mas. Este corto es bastante simple y genérico en cuanto a su trama, ya que es como cualquier corto navideño ya existente. No lo podemos comparar para nada con la película ya que yo esperaba algo parecido a ella y no lo encontré. Hasta siento que es un poco mas infantil y noto una bajada en el nivel del humor. Los personajes siguen siendo iguales y siguen cayendo bien. Por otro lado, la animación se nota que es un poco peor debido al menor presupuesto en comparación con el usado en la cinta. En conclusión, un decepcionante corto que no lo considero malo pero que esta a muy bajo nivel si lo comparamos con la película de estos mismos personajes. No lo recomiendo.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    It was not good because of the bad animations and movement. If it was with the movie animations this would've being pretty good because the plot was good. I was also so disappointed becuase the movie was 10/10. I hope they can do better next year.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This was ok, the plot is good, but the animation is very bad, what happened to the original animation from the bad guys movie, but it's ok, but watch it with your own risk
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Nice movie Christmas time
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Situada antes de los eventos de la película, este especial navideño es un pequeño relato que nos muestra que Los Tipos Malos claramente ya tenían su lado bueno, por más que les guste ser malos. Vemos a los personajes tratando de hacer que la gente recupere el espíritu navideño solo para que no se arruine el plan que tenían para un robo navideño. Al final el robo se vuelve solo una excusa porque es bien sabido que lo que intentan hacer es en realidad una buena acción. De igual modo es un disparate bastante divertido en el que acaban en vueltos. Los Tipos Malos son unos personajes que tienen su encanto y la animación es bastante linda. The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Christmas es un tierno especial navideño para disfrutar en familia durante las fiestas. Mi clasificación final para este especial es un 9/10.