The Exorcist: Believer
audience Reviews
, 58% Audience Score- Rating: 3 out of 5 starsNot bad, not at all, but not the best horror movie.
- Rating: 0.5 out of 5 starsThankfully the director was fired. Absolutely the worst film in the series. Three different exorcisms at the same time was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in cinema. Everyone was talking over eachother and couldn't understand anyone. James Wan will do a much better job and hopefully can pick up the pieces and turn around this trash.
- Rating: 2 out of 5 starsNão achei horrível, sei lá.
- Rating: 1.5 out of 5 starsIt would've been much better as a 30 minute film.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 starsWie Scheiße will ein Film sein und auf das Exorzisten Franchise kacken?JA.Dieser Film ist von Vorne bis hinten Kacke.Ich hasse diesen Film wortwörtlich.Es gibt paar schlechtere Filme weshalb ich noch einen Stern geben kann aber ich hasse diesen Film nach wie vor.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 starsThis hardly qualifies as a sequel. I didn't get the point of having Ellen Burstyn brought back. Her character adds zero contributions to the story. And Linda Blair just makes a cameo in the end. And where's is Pazuzu? The Exorcist series was more of a sequel than this. The movie in itself is boring and not nearly as scary as the orignal. The plot tells nothing about who the demon was and why he possessed the girls - a must have in any possession movie. And the exorcism scene is ridiculous. Spoiler alert: There are a lot of people trying to perform the exorcism but in the end the demon just decides to leave and kills one the girls whose father he tricked to choose for surviving. Argghhh!
- Rating: 2 out of 5 starsThe Exorcist: Believer is another misguided effort from sometimes genius David Gordon Green. Known best for relaunching the Halloween franchise and then destroying it with the abysmal Halloween Ends, Gordon Green is given the green light here to do the same with The Exorcist franchise. However, instead of establishing the necessary lore to build a trilogy of these films on, Gordon Green settles for an effects-heavy exorcism flick that could exist in any other franchise, if it were not for the presence of Ellen Burstyn. Burstyn, in what should be an Oscar-worthy return as Chris MacNeil, is mostly sidelined in the drama and doesn’t even get to witness the exorcism this time around. It’s a story filled with wasted potential. In the end, no one’s faith is restored in the plot or in Gordon Green’s hackneyed handling of this subject.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 starsThis movie was reasonably well acted and it looked good. It was never scary though, and the final quarter of the film made it seem like an edgy Youth Group film. It almost became literally an evangelism film. Don't waste your time.
- Rating: 2 out of 5 stars**Exorcist: Believer** – ★★☆☆☆ As someone who loves the original *Exorcist*, I was really excited to see *Believer*, especially since Ellen Burstyn and Linda Blair came back. But they only showed up for a few minutes, which was a huge letdown. The movie drags so much at the start, and when things finally start happening, it's just... boring. Nothing scary, and honestly, some scenes were so weird they made me laugh instead of scream. It was nice to hear the original music, but that’s about the only good thing. Having two girls possessed just didn’t work – it’s hard to care about either of them. The whole movie felt more like a drama than a horror, missing all the intense and creepy vibes from the first one. I've seen way better exorcism movies with way less budget. Really disappointing overall – the original will always be the best.
- Rating: 2 out of 5 starsA faithful homage to the original and a good possession movie but it tries way too hard to connect with the original movie, it starts strong but drives itself off a cliff halfway through and never recovers.