The Return
critic Reviews
, 77% Certified Fresh Tomatometer Score- The Return removes the mythology from Odysseus' homecoming along with some of the fun, but Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche's terrific performances keep this drama absorbing.
- , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreRyan LattanzioindieWire
Pasolini’s commitment to realism here -- despite as ever magnetic performances from his actors -- fails to get at the violent, dark heart of the classic story.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreJeannette CatsoulisNew York Times
When there’s precious little scenery to chew, the best actors know their words have to be enough.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreKatie WalshTribune News Service
Tt never reaches the operatic height one might be expecting — or hoping for. Nevertheless, there’s a hushed profundity, especially in Binoche and Fiennes’ performances.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreMarshall ShafferSlant Magazine
The Return may render its mythological figures lifelike through flesh and blood, but nowhere inside that viscera lies a beating heart.
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreBilge EbiriNew York Magazine/Vulture
The Return works neither as a CliffsNotes version of The Odyssey nor as its own stand-alone tale.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreJohanna SchnellerGlobe and Mail
Though the stately pace can be frustrating, its anti-war stance ultimately feels modern and urgent.
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreWade MajorFilmWeek (KPCC - NPR Los Angeles)
I wish it had the epic feel that the story warrants.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer Scorett stern-enziFox19 (Cincinnati, OH)
It is a homecoming for all of us.
Read full article - , Fresh Tomatometer ScoreNadine
The Return is well shot and both Fiennes and Binoche manage to give the film gravitas – but they don’t give it magic.
Read full article - , Rotten Tomatometer ScoreCasey ChongCasey's Movie Mania
Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche's reunion isn't enough to compensate for this visually sumptuous but languid historical drama.
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