The line between fact and fiction always blurs when a camera is pointed at people, but in Lisa Akoka and Romane Gueret’s arresting new feature, it’s more like a game of three-card monte.
Read full articleThe ways in which the roles these kids play impinge on their real lives is interesting... A fascinating movie.
Read full articleOffers a provocative critique of filmmaking practices. It also presents a subtle defense of the onscreen miracles revealed by the young and the raw.
Read full articlePart of what makes The Worst Ones tick with a pace close to that of a thriller is its self-reflexive relationship to genre and knack for referentiality.
Read full article“The Worst Ones,” with dark humor and occasionally confrontational candor... gives us room to query the industry conventions in which it is complicit.
Read full articleDeals with the contradictions of cinema's desire for realism with a lot of dark humor, and plants the seed of many interesting reflections. [Full review in Spanish]
Read full articleThis first feature by directing team Lise Akoka and Romane Gueret is an unusual film-within-a-film, three years in the making, one which gives a moving glimpse of ordinary lives while very subtly touching on greater issues such as class conflict.
Read full articleThe problem director Gabriel faces is he is giving his young actors a hope of something different in their lives. Truth be told, thay are merely pawns in the director’s scheme of things.
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