Andrew Kevin Walker

Andrew Kevin Walker rose to fame in Hollywood with his script for the 1995 serial-killer thriller "Seven," and has since served as writer or "script doctor" on dozens of films. Walker moved to California in '91 to sell his original screenplay for "Seven," about a series of murders based on the Seven Deadly Sins. When the movie was made during the mid-'90s, with David Fincher directing and Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman starring as the detective duo trying to track down the killer, the studio attempted to tone down the film's gruesome final scene, but Fincher, Pitt, and Freeman successfully argued for it to stay intact, with Pitt specifying in his contract that the final scene could not be altered. Walker would become Fincher's in-house script doctor, providing uncredited rewrites on "The Game" and the edgy cult classic "Fight Club," and even making a cameo appearance in "Panic Room." The next film for which Walker would receive credit was the controversial "8MM" (1999), about a detective investigating a "snuff film." When director Joel Schumacher took over the project, he made noises about supporting Walker's original script against the studio's wishes, but then proceeded to make his own extensive changes. Walker publicly disowned the finished product, which was savaged by critics and died a quick box-office death. Walker also wrote the adaptation of Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" that eventually became Tim Burton's gorgeous 1999 Hammer Studios tribute, "Sleepy Hollow," and he co-penned the moody 2010 remake of "The Wolfman" with David Self.