Arnold Kopelson

One of the most prolific film producers of the past two decades, Arnold Kopelson first entered the industry as an entertainment and banking lawyer before going on to become an Oscar-winning producer. A leading industry figure who served as either an executive producer, producer, packager, developer or distributor on over 100 films - often with wife and business partner Anne - Kopelson kicked off his career as a Hollywood mogul in 1972 with the founding of Inter-Ocean Film Sales, a company that specialized in the foreign distribution of independently produced non-American TV movies. In the late 1970s, Kopelson became an independent producer and enjoyed varying degrees of critical and commercial success, most notably with the Oscar-winning "Platoon" (1986), the controversial urban drama "Falling Down" (1993), the action-packed Harrison Ford vehicle "The Fugitive" (1993) and the grisly Brad Pitt thriller "Se7en" (1995). When all was said and done, Kopelson's films were collectively responsible for 17 Academy Award nominations and over $3 billion in worldwide receipts.