Sarah Haskins
Comedian and writer Sarah Haskins parlayed a popular series of segments on the satirical news program "InfoMania" (Current TV 2007-2011) that lampooned the media's attempt to sell products to women into a successful career as a writer and producer for television. Haskins cut her performing teeth on improv with such celebrated comedy groups as Second City and ImprovOlympic before moving into television with her "Target Women" pieces for "InfoMania." The segments, which drew attention to attempts to buttonhole women through depictions in commercials, television shows and other media, brought Haskins widespread praise from the critical community, which in turn led to work as a writer and performer in several short films and the TV series "Family Tools" (ABC, 2013). That same year, Haskins sold her sitcom "Trophy Wife" to ABC, which cemented her status as an up-and-coming comic force on the small screen.