Willy De Ville

Willy DeVille brought his musical talents to a variety of films over the course of his Hollywood career. DeVille's earlier work underscored moods in such dramatic films as "Hardcore" (1979) with George C Scott and the Eric Roberts film "The Pope of Greenwich Village" (1984). DeVille was nominated for an Academy Award for "The Princess Bride" in 1987. He followed this honor with songs in the Patrick Swayze action flick "Road House" (1989). , "The Rachel Papers" (1989). , and "Mad Dog and Glory" (1993) with Robert De Niro. DeVille's music was also featured in "Grindhouse" (2007) with Kurt Russell, the Adam Brody comedy "In the Land of Women" (2007) and the John Travolta blockbuster comedic adventure "Wild Hogs" (2007). DeVille was most recently credited in the Alan Rickman dramatic musical "CBGB" (2013). In addition to his music, DeVille also appeared on-screen in the documentary "Born to Lose: The Last Rock 'n' Roll Movie" (1999) with Dee Dee Ramone. DeVille passed away in August 2009 at the age of 56.