
In Chris Pine's feature directorial debut, Poolman tells the story of Darren Barrenman (Pine), a native Angeleno who spends his days looking after the pool of the Tahitian Tiki apartment block and fighting to make his hometown a better place to live. When he is tasked by a femme fatale to uncover the truth behind a shady business deal, Darren enlists the help of friends to take on a corrupt politician and a greedy land developer. His investigation reveals a hidden truth about his beloved city and himself. The film also stars Annette Bening, Danny DeVito, Jennifer Jason Leigh, DeWanda Wise, Stephen Tobolowsky, John Ortiz and Ray Wise.
Directed By:
Chris Pine
Running Time:
1 hr 40 min
Comedy & Mystery & Thriller
Release Date:
May 10, 2024


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Cast and Crew

Photos and Videos

  • Poolman: Exclusive Movie Clip - Packing the Car
  • Poolman: Trailer 1
  • Poolman: Teaser Trailer